LMU’s 9th Annual Yoga Day will be held on Saturday, October 24, 2020 on ZOOM from 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM PDT. Attendees will experience a special digital retreat experience through the layers of the Yogic self from the macrocosmic (gross) to the microcosmic (subtle). Classes will dive into our personal relationship with the earth, society, physical, energetic/subtle, emotions, mind, and wisdom bodies in guided reflection. Meditation and movement (āsana) will be led by individuals well-trained in diverse spiritual traditions.
This year’s offering is different from former years in these unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, heightened exposure of systemic racism, and forced isolation + introspection in quarantine. The keynote speaker will address the pragmatic issues of social activism, engagement, diversity, and appropriation within Yogic spiritual circles and American society. Our goal is to give the gift that Yoga has given us in these times of uncertainty - a way of understanding ourselves and our role in the world. We welcome yogis and persons of all traditions internationally to join us in community or sangha.
RSVP: https://bellarmine.lmu.edu/yoga/events/yogaday/