Ensure that the benefits of yoga are available to everybody who is interested! A yoga conference dedicated to shifting yoga culture to be inclusive and equitable for all. With opportunities to learn more about making yoga accessible and to network with other yoga teachers and professionals who are serving in this way, Taina will be volunteering her time with the conference to:
Get inspired by world-renowned yoga teachers, health-care practitioners, educators, and advocates
Gain practical teaching skills in creative workshops
Mix and mingle with presenters and attendees to grow your professional network
Leave with passion to make yoga accessible to everyone
The Accessible Yoga Conference is the world’s leading annual event focused on making yoga accessible to people who are underrepresented and underserved in the yoga and wellness communities. Discover how to make yoga accessible to folks with disabilities or mobility limitations, folks with chronic illness, people in bigger bodies, older folks, people with special needs, neurodiverse folks, and many more.